
"I'm mad as hell, and I'm not going to take it anymore"

Monday, August 30, 2010

Making fun of The United States/Americans

Now this is something that has always annoyed me, what is everyone's problem with The United States? Is it one of those anti-establishment things? Because the US is the most powerful country in the world you have to try undermine them? If I was running that country I would pull all of the aid, be is money or military, out of any nation it is in, just to show the world 'this is what it is like when we don't help you, now shut the fuck up'.

Something that particularly annoys me is how people make fun of the intelligence of Americans.. now I don't know about other nations, but I come from New Zealand, where mocking Americans for being stupid seems to be quite the 'cool' thing to do (despite the fact that we are like a bug compared to the US and could quite easily be wiped off the face of the earth by them). But the thing that annoys me most about this is that New Zealanders don't seem to take in their surroundings before mocking Americans, there are some very, very stupid people who live here, and that's the thing, every country has stupid people! Of course videos on YouTube are going to make Americans look stupid, they have been made for just that reason. (This all links back to people believing anything they see in the media - have I ranted about that? I will at some point, I hate the media - anyway, in this case I am classing YouTube as media). What a surprise that the video made by people who don't like the United States would show that they are stupid, and the fact that every single person in the video is stupid must mean that 100% of the people living there are stupid... now it seems to me that believing this makes you just as bad as the idiots you see in the videos (and they are idiots, I'm just saying that this doesn't mean every American is that stupid)

It just seems stupid to me that we have become a society who hates anyone in power, even if it is an entire nation. The thing that people need to realise is that in every factor of life there are extremists, be it religious extremists, activist extremists (I'm looking at you, Greenpeace), even right down to intelligence extremists, be they smart or stupid. So yes, there may be some extremely dumb people in the US, but there are extremely dumb people in every country, including the people who watch these 'anti-american' videos and believe them, if you ever watch these videos and think they mean that all Americans are stupid, you are your country's version of those people you are watching.

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