
"I'm mad as hell, and I'm not going to take it anymore"

Monday, August 30, 2010

Making fun of The United States/Americans

Now this is something that has always annoyed me, what is everyone's problem with The United States? Is it one of those anti-establishment things? Because the US is the most powerful country in the world you have to try undermine them? If I was running that country I would pull all of the aid, be is money or military, out of any nation it is in, just to show the world 'this is what it is like when we don't help you, now shut the fuck up'.

Something that particularly annoys me is how people make fun of the intelligence of Americans.. now I don't know about other nations, but I come from New Zealand, where mocking Americans for being stupid seems to be quite the 'cool' thing to do (despite the fact that we are like a bug compared to the US and could quite easily be wiped off the face of the earth by them). But the thing that annoys me most about this is that New Zealanders don't seem to take in their surroundings before mocking Americans, there are some very, very stupid people who live here, and that's the thing, every country has stupid people! Of course videos on YouTube are going to make Americans look stupid, they have been made for just that reason. (This all links back to people believing anything they see in the media - have I ranted about that? I will at some point, I hate the media - anyway, in this case I am classing YouTube as media). What a surprise that the video made by people who don't like the United States would show that they are stupid, and the fact that every single person in the video is stupid must mean that 100% of the people living there are stupid... now it seems to me that believing this makes you just as bad as the idiots you see in the videos (and they are idiots, I'm just saying that this doesn't mean every American is that stupid)

It just seems stupid to me that we have become a society who hates anyone in power, even if it is an entire nation. The thing that people need to realise is that in every factor of life there are extremists, be it religious extremists, activist extremists (I'm looking at you, Greenpeace), even right down to intelligence extremists, be they smart or stupid. So yes, there may be some extremely dumb people in the US, but there are extremely dumb people in every country, including the people who watch these 'anti-american' videos and believe them, if you ever watch these videos and think they mean that all Americans are stupid, you are your country's version of those people you are watching.

Sunday, August 29, 2010


These types of people can fuck right off. I would also include animals lovers in there but, for the most part, they fit in the 'vegan/vegetarian' category, because if you say you are all about animals and yet you eat meat, then you are just a wanker. Anywho, these types of people (along with environmentalists) will probably come up more than once throughout this blog's lifespan, because they are right up near the top on my 'things that annoy me' list.

Lets start off with how pointless it actually is to be a vegan or a vegetarian. I would say that the only passable reason to be a vegetarian is because you genuinely do not like the taste of meat, and even then.. there must be some type of meat that you like, that shit is delicious.. Anyway, if you are not eating meat because you think it is going to make some sort of difference, you are a fuckwit. You may think "I know it won't make a difference, but I really just don't want to be part of the problem maaan", and many people may think that to be admirable, I however think that you just straight up retarded. Don't want to be part of the problem... what problem?!! Humans eating inferior animals to survive? Holy shit, it's not like every carnivore on the planet does that. "But Saam" you say "humans don't have to eat meat, we can live off things that were never alive", well, here's the thing, have you ever looked at your teeth in a mirror, see those pointy ones and the sharp ones at the front of your mouth? Yeah, those are for eating meat. And while we may also have herbivore style 'molars' as well, I never said we are designed specifically to eat only meat.

Along these similar lines, I cannot stand it when people say that the animals that we farm (cattle, sheep, etc) are smart or our equals.. What that fuck gave you that idea? Just because we are both living organisms does not mean we are equal. If they were as smart as you people seem to think they are, or if they were truly our equals they would have society, they would have civilization, they would have infrastructure.. but instead they live in fields, shitting and eating all day, if that is what you class as intelligent, then why does everyone hate morbidly obese people? The fact of the matter is, if animals were as smart as us, it is highly likely that they we would be the ones being farmed, or at the very least we would have some sort of revolution on our hands, no intelligent living creature just sits back and takes that kind of abuse.

Anyway, as a final message to all those who pose the question 'what gives us the right to do this to animals'.. The fact that we can do it gives us the right, the fact that we have been gifted with such a brain that gives us the intelligence to farm animals so that we have a guaranteed food source. Most of you vegans are evolutionists, therefore you are firm believers in survival of the fittest, and we, as humans, are the fittest. If lions had the means to farm humans for food, do you really think they wouldn't do it?

*This is labeled as popular culture because it has become 'cool' to think that animals have the same amount of/more rights than humans.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

People getting all defensive about their opinions on music.

It isn't just big world and national events that annoy me, oh no, something as simple as having opinions on music can annoy me.

It is said, that what type of music you like and think is good is all about opinion.. But I believe there are different types of opinions: Mine (the good, and generally right sort), ones that aren't mine but would I would still adopt as my own if they were explained to me, and lastly, wrong opinions. Yes, I believe that opinions can be wrong, especially when it comes to music, and unfortunately these wrong opinions seem to be the majority.

Now, I am not one to give a damn about your feelings. If you say something stupid, or have a retarded outlook on anything, then I am going to point it out. It has led to a few enemies but I don't really care, if people don't know when they are being stupid/wrong then they will grow up thinking they are right their whole life, when they aren't. Also my 'in your face' method of pointing out stupidity helps them to become better at dealing with criticism, or at least, that's what I think.
Anyway, this all links back to music because liking stupid bands is no exception, if you like a stupid band then I am going to tell you that I think they are shit, and why I think that.

Unfortunately, I have come across very few people who can deal with that sort of criticism when it comes to music, and you may think 'yeah, but I bet you are no different', well you are wrong, I can take those sorts of comments when it comes to music, because I am so sure that my musical tastes are the best that I just pity the offender because they are missing out on such fantastic music. Here is an example. A person I know told me that I ruined The Veils for her (because I love The Veils and tend to obsess over them. listen to them if you don't already). Now that seems like an innocent enough comment, however I know the girl and know that she was trying to annoy me because she knows all about my short fuse, however, I did not get angry, I just said "I don't care, that is your loss". Which it is/was. And that is what people need to learn, if they are getting furious when I tell them that the Killers are the spawn of all average music, or that Muse sound like a sack of cats being drowned, then my opinion is that, subconsciously, they don't actually believe that they are a good band, either that or they are dicks.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Skins (The TV show)

Good lord, I despise this show. In fact, I hate it. I hate it with every fibre of my being. I don't know about you, or the people who, for some reason, watch it, but for me it represents everything that is wrong with youth in this day and age. To fully understand my hatred of the show, it is probably worth knowing that I also hate hipsters, so very much. Have you seen the the latest Rambo movie? You know the scene where he rips that guys throat out? That is what I want to do to every hipster I see on the street.

This point about hipsters is valid in this rant because it seems like that is what every teenager aims to be these days, except the few respectable ones (myself included, I'm 19 by the way, so I am still a teenager). My ideal dress code for teenagers would be: Jeans and a t-shirt that fits (possibly a sweatshirt/jacket as well) or a shirt (tucked in) and tie (done up properly), but unfortunately people just don't do that, and they are never going to while things like Skins are out there. Instead, we are having a generation of teenagers who wear t-shirts with necks that come down to their chest (which admittedly, is fine with females) and giant pieces of fucking material wrapped around their necks, not even scarfs, just massive loops of material. And don't even get me started on the piercings, when did it become cool to have pieces of metal in your face, or to stretch a massive hole in your ear.. seriously, it is just retarded.

Anyway, this all links back to Skins because it is a show that actively promotes this atrocity of a social trend, including all the other things that come with it. Things like drugs being used to measure how cool you are, parents and elders getting no respect, and not caring about your education are slowly becoming the norm with teenagers, and I, in all seriousness, blame Skins for a lot of that.
Now I am not anti-drugs, if someone wants to do drugs, as long as they don't hurt someone else, I am fine with it. What I hate is drug culture and people taking drugs just because they feel like that is what people are doing, and according to Skins, every teenager in Britain is taking 'em..
And as for parents, I think teenagers just need to realise that THEY ARE THE REASON YOU ARE ALIVE! You may think that they are dicks because they won't let you go to some big gig or something dumb like that, but before you go swearing at them and telling your friend about how you mum is a 'fat cunt' (yes, I'm talking about you, girl on the train), you should think about a few things. Firstly, they are the sole reason you exist in the first place, they are the sole reason you made it through your childhood alive, they would (and probably have done so) do anything to protect you from any harm... thought about it yet? Good, now go show some fucking respect and apologise to them for being a little shit.
And as for education, I shouldn't even need to talk about this. Forsaking your education to sleep with your drunk friends and take drugs may seem like a good idea at the time, but show some forsight, however you get your money, it isn't going to last forever. At some point you are goint to need a real job and who is going to hire you if you know nothing about anything (and no, looking up philosophical ideals online does not count as an education)

So there you have it, what annoyed me today, and sure, it may have been about hipsters and not Skins, but for me the two things go hand in hand. If you have a problem with it, leave a comment and I tell you why your comment is ridiculous.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Anti-Smoking campaigns

It's a bit late, but it took me this long to come across something that actually really annoyed me today. But trust late night television to do it for me.

Now, don't get me wrong, I am not against people quitting smoking, if you smoke and don't want to anymore, go ahead. But surely, surely, people now know of all the different ways to quit by now? And if new ways come around they can find them on the internet with a simple search, if they aren't willing to search for a good way to quit, it is pretty likely that they don't actually want to in the first place. Anyway, I just hate the hypocrisy behind the whole 'smoking is the worst thing since Cyborg-Hitler' movement. These are people who would fight tooth and nail for any other human right, but they hate the idea of something that provides people with a few periods of contentment and happiness a day, just because it will kill you later in life... heres a bit of news for you: living will kill you later in life! It is the one thing that is guaranteed in the human world!

"But Sam", you say, "they die such a horrible death and it is robbing their families of time with them".. Well, yes. It can be a horrible death, but anyone who starts smoking knows exactly how they could end up when they smoke that first cigarette. By pounding it into youth, who thrive on being rebellious, that smoking is the single worst thing that you can do, all you are doing is: firstly, teaching them things they already know, and secondly, giving them a great rebellious outlet!
And as for robbing their families of time with them.. For starters, that is the most terribly selfish reason for not wanting someone to smoke, but also it is such a cop-out. The time that is being robbed of you is the time that you would have spent going to the rest home to not be recognised by your own parent/grandparent.

It just seems to me that we have fought for generations so people in democratic societies have the freedom and right to do what they want with their own bodies, including smoking. It's all about personal choice people, if you don't like smoking, don't do it. You wouldn't want people coming up to you in the street or putting ads on television telling you that your energy drink is killing you and that they disagree with your decision to do it.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Whining Pakistanis.

This is not as terrible as you think.

I'm not annoyed at the people who have lost homes and families, futures and security in the wake of the terrible floods that have struck the nation. I'm annoyed at the Pakistanis who are somehow blaming the USA for this.

The US, the largest contributor the the United Nations Relief Fund, are being called out for not giving enough. Firstly, fuck you. The only obligation any nation has to another nation is a moral one. They don't HAVE to give any money or aid at all if they don't want to.

Secondly, you threatening America with a "Give us more or we're going to stop supporting the war on terror" isn't a particularly well thought out threat. Not only would this be counter-productive within your own country, where, you know, the bombings and attacks occur; but would also drive a wedge between you and the most powerful democratic nation on earth. Which, in summation, means they're gonna feel less obligated to help you out next time you suffer a natural disaster which your weak economy and poorly led government has no idea how to handle, leaving thousands, possibly millions to die.

So good luck with that.

A little advice, when you're suffering from the biggest catastrophe your nation has ever known, it's best not to drive away those who are offering you assistance and asking for virtually nothing in return (apart from your continued support in their efforts to stop your countrymen from being brutally exploded.)


Posting this one rather early in the morning, so it is entirely possible/likely that something else will annoy me today, but at the moment it's Wikileaks.

I don't know why they annoy me so much, in essence, everything they are doing should be fine with me, they are speaking out against human rights injustices, which is fine with me, at least they are focused on injustices against humans and not animal. I guess I respect what they are trying to do, I just don't like the way they are doing it, as I don't really believe that citizens undermining other governments, let alone their own, should be tolerated. That is of course unless the government is of the oppressive nature, and you can say 'yeah but different people find different things oppressive', and the people who say that can pull their head out of their ass. If you have the right of free speech and are not being killed for being intelligent/from a certain tribe/of a certain religion, then sorry, buddy, you ain't got an oppressive government.

Now, I know it seems hypocritical for me to talk about the right to free speech and then get annoyed at wikileaks for manipulating that right, but I never said I wasn't a hypocrite. I mean, I wouldn't be so annoyed at them if they were just speaking out against the war in Iraq etc (I would still be annoyed, just not as annoyed) but for me, leaking government documents is taking your rights too far. We have elected officials for a reason, it isn't like they overthrew someone to get into power, they were elected by the people, you know, through democracy. And it is my firm belief that elected government should retain the right to have secrets, we elect them to make the hard decisions, if they had to consult with the public before every decision and if everyone had to agree on it, while that would be 'pure democracy', nothing would ever get done.

Also, what annoys me about wikileaks itself, not just the idea behind it, is that I have seen Julian Assange publicly admit that he presents the leaks in a bias way e.g through heavily emotive titles (Collateral Murder) and by not presenting the entire leak up front, but just showing the worst parts and not making it obvious that what you are reading isn't actually the entire leak. If you have to follow some radical, anti-establishment media form, at least try follow a non-bias one, anyone can make a story say what they want it too, if the leaks are that bad, surely they shouldn't need to use these kinds of methods.

Monday, August 23, 2010

A slightly less brief introduction to Luke.

Piss off, you dicks.

But now, in all seriousness, hello.

I'm Luke Robertshaw. Sam Doyle's co-conspirator in hating most things. I'm fairly pro-establishment and don't really believe in the right of the people and media to criticise elected officials for making responsible choices or for setting up plans that may take longer than instantaneously to come to fruition. At the same time I believe in the personal freedom to desecrate and destroy your own body as much as you'd like, in that, I'm against paying more for my cigarettes.

Top 3 hates being:

1. The creation of problems with no suggestion of solution.
2. Ignorance of the importance of established cultural practices (eg; whaling, cannibalism)
3. The general populace taking the media's word as law, without stopping to challenge why.

Oh, and communists. Fucking communists.
Not really though.

Reaction to alcohol law changes in New Zealand

Today in my little country our government reviewed and adjusted some of our alcohol laws, most notably, they raised the age you could buy alcohol from off-license premises (alcohol stores, supermarkets etc) to 20 (it was 18). Now you probably think this is what annoyed me today.. It isn't.. what annoyed me was the reaction by people in New Zealand.

Within hours of the law changes being released there were status updates all over Facebook that all went along the lines of "Fuck you John key, take away my drinking!! What a dick/cunt/wanker/choose your own insult". As you can probably guess, most of the people saying these things are 18-19, and the fact that they are saying them, I think, prove that it is a good decision to raise the age. If they are getting that upset that they can no longer go to the bottle store and pick up a 'doz', are they really mature enough to be doing just that?

Now, it is worth mentioning that the law change does not affect clubs/bars etc, you can still buy from there at 18, so what is it that is annoying these people so much? The fact that they can no longer buy large quantities of alcohol for cheap like they could from alcohol stores, essentially meaning that they can no longer get wasted for whatever they have in their wallet, which, funnily enough, is exactly what the government wanted!

We have heard all sorts of media and 'experts' saying that focusing on the youth drinking is not what the government needs to be doing as it is not 'tackling the problem'. But I would argue, what is better than teaching youth responsible drinking habits so they can carry those habits into older age? And I believe that having them go to a bar to get alcohol, where they can only afford buy a few and (hopefully) have a bartender who will cut you off if you get too drunk, is a good way to teach responsible drinking habits, or at least a better way than allowing them to buy huge amounts and getting smashed in the privacy of their own home. So I say, good on John Key and the rest of the Government, it isn't a quick fix like everyone wanted, but it is a damn good start, and I can appreciate that.

A brief introduction to Sam Doyle.

I hate most things, that is the main thing you need to know about me if you are reading this, and is the main reason that I am writing the blog. Now, when I say that I hate most things, I don't mean people(although, I do hate a lot of people), I really mean that I hate the ideas and opinions that most people have, I don't know why, I just do. Some people have recommended I take up meditation to calm myself down, to them I say: go fuck yourself.

Anyway, all I am going to be doing here is posting my opinions on different matters, topics and opinions that have crossed my path during my day/week/life. You may not agree with what I say, you may not even read it, but either way, feel free to get involved and share your opinions with me (be they opinions on the topics I am talking about or opinions on my views), don't worry, I am not as unfriendly as I may appear in my posts.

*A friend and co-hater of mine will also be posting on this site, and hopefully we will get around to some audio posts of discussions we have where our ideas flow freely