
"I'm mad as hell, and I'm not going to take it anymore"

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Anti-Smoking campaigns

It's a bit late, but it took me this long to come across something that actually really annoyed me today. But trust late night television to do it for me.

Now, don't get me wrong, I am not against people quitting smoking, if you smoke and don't want to anymore, go ahead. But surely, surely, people now know of all the different ways to quit by now? And if new ways come around they can find them on the internet with a simple search, if they aren't willing to search for a good way to quit, it is pretty likely that they don't actually want to in the first place. Anyway, I just hate the hypocrisy behind the whole 'smoking is the worst thing since Cyborg-Hitler' movement. These are people who would fight tooth and nail for any other human right, but they hate the idea of something that provides people with a few periods of contentment and happiness a day, just because it will kill you later in life... heres a bit of news for you: living will kill you later in life! It is the one thing that is guaranteed in the human world!

"But Sam", you say, "they die such a horrible death and it is robbing their families of time with them".. Well, yes. It can be a horrible death, but anyone who starts smoking knows exactly how they could end up when they smoke that first cigarette. By pounding it into youth, who thrive on being rebellious, that smoking is the single worst thing that you can do, all you are doing is: firstly, teaching them things they already know, and secondly, giving them a great rebellious outlet!
And as for robbing their families of time with them.. For starters, that is the most terribly selfish reason for not wanting someone to smoke, but also it is such a cop-out. The time that is being robbed of you is the time that you would have spent going to the rest home to not be recognised by your own parent/grandparent.

It just seems to me that we have fought for generations so people in democratic societies have the freedom and right to do what they want with their own bodies, including smoking. It's all about personal choice people, if you don't like smoking, don't do it. You wouldn't want people coming up to you in the street or putting ads on television telling you that your energy drink is killing you and that they disagree with your decision to do it.

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