
"I'm mad as hell, and I'm not going to take it anymore"

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Being nice to people.

Okay, so the title doesn't really capture the essence of what I want to talk about, but meh. It seems that in this day and age, respecting everyone is the greatest thing that people can do, and it has been that way for a long time. However, I believe that the meaning of 'respect' has become twisted somewhere along the way.

Firstly, it seems that to most people, respect means 'to be nice to them no matter what', this means you cannot question them, their opinions or their way of living. But to me, it means something completely different. People think that because I disagree with their opinions and think that they are wrong, I am not respecting them... no, I am just not agreeing , it doesn't meant that I don't respect them. I can get into a discussion with someone about a topic.. say, the environment.. disagree with everything they say, potentially throw in some insults, and come out of it not thinking less of them as a person (in fact, possibly thinking more of them, I respect people who will fight for their views). To me, that is respect.. the ability to have a massive argument/debate and come out with no hard feelings. But unfortunately that is not really how it works, for example, I was having an argument about saving beached whales (I was, of course, on the 'no need to save them' side) and someone piped up in the middle saying that I was a cunt and that they don't like me, purely because I didn't share their opinion.... Which gracefully brings me to my next point.. the warped conditions of being nice/showing respect: The fact that that being nice to people and showing respect for them only applies if the person shares opinions that the majority of humans share, or if their opinions and views aren't objectionable. So if a person is not against whaling, they are a bad person and don't deserve as much respect as someone who is against whaling. And you may say that this isn't true, but I have had plenty of experience with this way of thinking and I maintain that it is true.

My guess as to why people think less of you if you disagree with them is that I believe that 'being nice' to someone has lost all meaning. It is just something that you are expected to do no matter what, and that includes respecting other's opinions and not being outspoken about your own ("I would rather be overly nice to people than overly mean"). But to me, that doesn't make much sense, it has softened people and made them over-react when other people disagree with them. They are so accustomed to that old 'treat others as you wish to be treated' sort of thinking that we have hammered into us from a young age, that when someone doesn't agree with them, and tells them that their "opinion is stupid", they don't know how to react so just instincively react with agression ("yeah? well you are a cunt"). Therefore I think that maybe 'niceness etiquette' needs to change.. being nice to people shouldn't be the something you do to avoid conflict, people being nice to you should be something that is deserved.

Respect, not niceness, should be the 'default setting', regardless of whether they agree with you or not. That's not to say that you shouldn't quesiton their opinions, go hard! But when it (the argument, discussion, whatever) is over, still respect them, respect that they have their own ways of thinking and while they may not be the same as yours, that doesn't make them any worse of a person.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Saving beached whales

Here it is, my triumphant return to being annoyed. It has been a while, but nothing has really been annoying me until today.. with a sudden explosion of people talking about preserving animals and saving beached whales.

Now, I am aware of how evil this makes me sound, but I do not think that beached whales should be saved. I spend a lot of my time being told by people about how intelligent animals are, particularly whales. But it seems to me if a whale can make it's way out of the enormous habitat it calls it's home and land itself on the comparatively small area where it can't survive, that it isn't so intelligent. In fact, one might go as far as to say that it would be beneficial to the species if these whales do die. It all has to do with natural selection, and for all we know, by interfering with nature and trying to save whales that beach themselves, we may actually be hindering their progress as a species.

But what bugs me is that people try to claim that humans are at fault for whales beaching themselves, stuff about over-fishing or sonar.. you know.. bullshit. Firstly, there have been cases of whales beaching themselves since the 1500's, long before sonar, and I assume that over-fishing wasn't a problem back them or else we probably wouldn't have much fish today. Secondly, how on Earth would they have any idea about what causes it? All they have are assumptions and coincidences. When you get down to it, we probably have about as much idea about how a whale's brain works as they have about how ours work. Sure, you say, science has done research, but as I have made clear, I don't actually trust scientists and maintain that all their theories are, at best, educated guesses.

But now for the main event. The biggest reason I have for not thinking whales should be saved. It isn't fair... How many fish wash up on a beach and become stranded every day? And yet, best case scenario, only a few of them are even noticed by humans. And yet, as soon as a big ol' cute endangered whale washes up, entire communities come in droves to help save it. It seems that a lot of 'green' people believe that we don't have the right to kill any animal we want, but if they think that, why do we have the right to save any animal we want? It just seems that we are picking and choosing which animals we like, and those are the ones that we are going to save. As for the rest of them, come get us when they are endangered or they have a movie made about them. Quite frankly, it is disgusting. We choose to save the flightless birds but forsake the predators who feed on them, we publicise the efforts to save the whales and dolphins, but continue to show stories that make us fear the more heavily endangered sharks. We need to get over this idea that we can pick and choose which animals we save. Save them all, or save none and let nature take it's course.

Monday, September 20, 2010

People Who Hate Muslims: Part 1.

You've always gotta have somebody to hate.

I get that. As a society without a predisposition towards the downfall of a particular group we would quickly turn on each other and once again dinosaurs would rule the Earth. But what annoys me so much is people who discriminate against entire groups of people when only a few individuals from that group are truly worth hating.

This is the basis of my loathing for people who hate Muslims.

How many Muslims, in the history of the world, have committed what would be deemed as an act of terrorism? Going on current rates you'd have to say it was easily less than 10,000.

10,000, as a maximum, in the HISTORY OF THE WORLD. Currently there is, in excess of, 1 Billion Muslims. Not even counting the ones who have died throughout the centuries, that's still only 0.001% who have committed terrorist acts - and yet they're all grouped together into one huge hateable melting pot. Despite the fact that a majority of Muslims you will never come into contact with and who will never, despite what you think, rape your churches and burn your women; despite that, you hate all of them. "Better of without 'em" you'd say. Fuck you.

The point that people so often miss is that these groups, these large faceless societies you are presented by the media are actually filled with people. Actual, real life, people. Ones who probably care more about what they're having for dinner than blowing up your tacky house and your ugly wife and your retarded son. These people just want to live their own lives.

"But they hate us!" you say. Well, why wouldn't they?

Monday, September 6, 2010

People who are extremely anti-religion

Good weekend? Yeah, same. Big topic today.

Now, the title of this piece may lead you to believe that I am part of some sort of religion, don't think that, I'm not. I don't believe in God, Allah, or any sort of higher spiritual power. But in saying that, I am not against the idea of them or people who do believe them. You could be forgiven for thinking that I am/I do, especially if you know me, but I have had a change of heart this year. I used to be a massive 'anti-christian/religion' sort of guy, but I had the change of heart when a friend told me that he no longer believed in God and sort of credited me with the development, which, truth be told, made me feel awful. I have sort of grown to the point where I despise science and scientists more than religious people. Hence the topic of todays rant.

It was a weird feeling when I decided to be more open-minded to the idea of religion and started noticing just how ignorant and close-minded all these supposed 'open-minded' atheists actually are. They go on and on about how stupid religion is, and how only weak people are religious (which I hope isn't true, because, despite what they say, one hell of a large chunk of the worlds population follow some sort of religion) and how religious people are just sheep, taking the word of the bible and their preachers/priests/reverends/etc as truth without asking any questions. But for the most part, all these atheists do the exact same thing with science/scientists. They will believe, without a doubt, that we evolved from apes and that the universe was formed by the big bang, simply because scientists say that it is likely that we did/it was.

They claim that logic is the difference between science and religion, that evolution is likely and that God is unlikely. But, as I asked of someone yesterday, when you really think about it, putting all bias aside, what makes anyone think that we, as tiny, insignificant humans, would have any idea, or any kind of miniscule grasp, about what is likely or logical? It doesn't make sense to me, scientists talk about how old and infinitely massive the universe is, and yet they think that despite that, anything they say is relevent. That doesn't seem like logic to me, it just seems like pure desire/need/want to convince themselves that there is some sort of meaning to life, which really, is all religion and religious people are trying to do as well. The only difference is that religious people have actually found a meaning to their life and are happy with it.

Anyway, I am not trying to discredit science here, I am not saying that anyone who doesn't follow a religion annoys me. It is the people who go around telling Christians that their beliefs are retarded and screaming about how science has proved religion wrong etc. As someone who doesn't believe in a higher power but likes to think that they are (now) tolerant of other peoples' religious beliefs, these other types of atheists genuinely offend me. Why, you ask? Because they are going around giving me a bad name, making religious people think that anyone who doesn't believe in God is going to jam their non-spiritual views down their throats. They also create the illusion that all atheists masturbate over the idea of evolution, but to me (and I'm sure, many others) evolution is just as illogical as creationism, I prefer to go on the idea that, for all I know, the universe always has, and always will exist and that Humans exist, end of story, and that is all I need to know, I don't care how or why we are here, we just are.

Friday, September 3, 2010

The inability of some people to understand what 'ethnicity' means.

This annoyance links back to a part of my job, so bear with me.

One of the factors of my work is entering Workforce Survey data, one of the questions on this survey is about ethnicity, and a shocking amount of doctors don't seem to know what it means. Every time the census rolls around this misunderstanding happens on a much larger scale, with the whole public, not just doctors. They seem to think that 'ethnicity' is just another word for 'nationality' or 'cultural identity', which, as I'm sure you all know, it isn't. I don't know what the deal is with other countries, or if this even affects you, but in New Zealand we have two main ethnicities that cause the problem: New Zealand Europeans, and Maori (our indigenous people, for those of you playing at home).

The problem is, that a huge amount of NZE's and Maori people seem to think that this distinction between them in ethnicity questions is racist, or un-patriotic, or like, a metaphor for a divide in our national identity.. something like that.. anyway, whatever their reasons are, they are wrong. Every time the census rolls around, we hear the same thing, "Make sure you put 'Other: New Zealander' as your ethnicity, don't abide by their racist regime". And the people who say these things are the people who make me want to beat my face against a wall until I am dead. Don't get me wrong, I am all for unity within my nation, I hate the fact that some Maori peope are trying to push forward their rights to 'become equal' but are really just segregating themselves from the rest of us, as they already have all the same opportunities as a European person. I would love to see us all unite under one flag (literally, they have their own flag), but this ethnicity business has nothing to do with that! Ethnicity is about your ancestory and genes, not about nationality! So yes, if you are white, you may class yourself as a New Zealander, but your ethnicity is still New Zealand European, however you feel culturally does not change that. It goes for Chinese people in New Zealand too, I think it is fantastic that you see yourself as a Chinese New Zealander... But your ethnicity is still Chinese, buddy. Oh and as a quick note, 'Homo-Sapien' is not an ethnicity, you are just a dick.

This is something that always annoys me, some people just get so caught up in the thrill of causing a fuss, they forget to check if there is any logic behind the thing they are getting angry about. Before you get angry about something from now on, perhaps you should check a dictionary just to be sure you are actually getting mad about what you think you are getting mad about. And with this ethnicity business, all you are doing by rebelling against the question is shitting on your ancestors, come on, guys.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Teenagers refusing to 'grow up'

This actually annoyed me yesterday, but didn't feel like writing, and now I am in quite a good mood so this may be less extreme than other posts.

I have had an ongoing argument on Facebook (I have a lot, I think it is becoming a problem) about jobs vs living life to do what you love, my side was that at some point, a teenager has to accept that they are not always going to be able to do what they love and get paid for it, and that sometimes they need to relinquish their aims of being a famous musician or an artist and just take a boring desk job, or something along those lines. Whereas the person I was arguing with seemed to think that "money is insignificant" (actual quote) and that they can worry about that when they are old, but for now they are going to live it up and do what they love. Now I have nothing against that viewpoint, when you are in your early teenage years, once you start hitting your 18's-20's I believe that it is time to start growing up and accepting that you are an adult.

Sure, I am not saying that you can't go out drinking, have a road trip, play music, or do any other fun things that people in their late teens and 20's do, but you can't go through that period of your life thinking that money isn't important, while it would be ideal if it wasn't, the fact remains that it is imensely important. If you want to play/produce/write music, that is fine, but do it in your spare time.. if you want to get a career doing something you love, that is fine, but until you manage to get into that career you are still going to need some sort of income, and sorry, bud, but mooching off your parents or being on the benefit (without trying to find a job) just doesn't cut it with me.

And as for saying that money is insignificant.. are you mental? What world do you live in? How do you think you get those instruments/art supplies? People, particularly youth, have to accept at some point in their lives, that money actually makes the world go round, once they realise that they can get on with their adulthood. And with the realisation that money is incredibly important, hopefully, comes the realisation that while getting a job in a field that you love would be awesome and is everyone's dream, it is very likely that you aren't going to get one. Sounds pessimistic, i know, but that is because I am pessimistic. Young adults aren't going to advance in life until they realise that a job is a job, money is money, and that you always have your spare time to try reach your dreams.

I accept that in todays world it isn't easy to get a job if you haven't gone to uni, I was incredibly lucky to get mine, but at least look for one, and don't try look down on people who have managed to get a job, albeit a desk/office job, just because you are 'living life and loving every day".. you are actually just a bum.