
"I'm mad as hell, and I'm not going to take it anymore"

Monday, September 20, 2010

People Who Hate Muslims: Part 1.

You've always gotta have somebody to hate.

I get that. As a society without a predisposition towards the downfall of a particular group we would quickly turn on each other and once again dinosaurs would rule the Earth. But what annoys me so much is people who discriminate against entire groups of people when only a few individuals from that group are truly worth hating.

This is the basis of my loathing for people who hate Muslims.

How many Muslims, in the history of the world, have committed what would be deemed as an act of terrorism? Going on current rates you'd have to say it was easily less than 10,000.

10,000, as a maximum, in the HISTORY OF THE WORLD. Currently there is, in excess of, 1 Billion Muslims. Not even counting the ones who have died throughout the centuries, that's still only 0.001% who have committed terrorist acts - and yet they're all grouped together into one huge hateable melting pot. Despite the fact that a majority of Muslims you will never come into contact with and who will never, despite what you think, rape your churches and burn your women; despite that, you hate all of them. "Better of without 'em" you'd say. Fuck you.

The point that people so often miss is that these groups, these large faceless societies you are presented by the media are actually filled with people. Actual, real life, people. Ones who probably care more about what they're having for dinner than blowing up your tacky house and your ugly wife and your retarded son. These people just want to live their own lives.

"But they hate us!" you say. Well, why wouldn't they?


  1. I hate when people blame the Muslims from 9/11 and thinks its ok to burn the Qur'an.
    Muslims weren't responsible for 9/11, Al Qaeda was.
