
"I'm mad as hell, and I'm not going to take it anymore"

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Saving beached whales

Here it is, my triumphant return to being annoyed. It has been a while, but nothing has really been annoying me until today.. with a sudden explosion of people talking about preserving animals and saving beached whales.

Now, I am aware of how evil this makes me sound, but I do not think that beached whales should be saved. I spend a lot of my time being told by people about how intelligent animals are, particularly whales. But it seems to me if a whale can make it's way out of the enormous habitat it calls it's home and land itself on the comparatively small area where it can't survive, that it isn't so intelligent. In fact, one might go as far as to say that it would be beneficial to the species if these whales do die. It all has to do with natural selection, and for all we know, by interfering with nature and trying to save whales that beach themselves, we may actually be hindering their progress as a species.

But what bugs me is that people try to claim that humans are at fault for whales beaching themselves, stuff about over-fishing or sonar.. you know.. bullshit. Firstly, there have been cases of whales beaching themselves since the 1500's, long before sonar, and I assume that over-fishing wasn't a problem back them or else we probably wouldn't have much fish today. Secondly, how on Earth would they have any idea about what causes it? All they have are assumptions and coincidences. When you get down to it, we probably have about as much idea about how a whale's brain works as they have about how ours work. Sure, you say, science has done research, but as I have made clear, I don't actually trust scientists and maintain that all their theories are, at best, educated guesses.

But now for the main event. The biggest reason I have for not thinking whales should be saved. It isn't fair... How many fish wash up on a beach and become stranded every day? And yet, best case scenario, only a few of them are even noticed by humans. And yet, as soon as a big ol' cute endangered whale washes up, entire communities come in droves to help save it. It seems that a lot of 'green' people believe that we don't have the right to kill any animal we want, but if they think that, why do we have the right to save any animal we want? It just seems that we are picking and choosing which animals we like, and those are the ones that we are going to save. As for the rest of them, come get us when they are endangered or they have a movie made about them. Quite frankly, it is disgusting. We choose to save the flightless birds but forsake the predators who feed on them, we publicise the efforts to save the whales and dolphins, but continue to show stories that make us fear the more heavily endangered sharks. We need to get over this idea that we can pick and choose which animals we save. Save them all, or save none and let nature take it's course.


  1. Dude, seriously. Get cream for that yeast infection.

  2. I don't think you know what a yeast infection is.
