
"I'm mad as hell, and I'm not going to take it anymore"

Sunday, August 29, 2010


These types of people can fuck right off. I would also include animals lovers in there but, for the most part, they fit in the 'vegan/vegetarian' category, because if you say you are all about animals and yet you eat meat, then you are just a wanker. Anywho, these types of people (along with environmentalists) will probably come up more than once throughout this blog's lifespan, because they are right up near the top on my 'things that annoy me' list.

Lets start off with how pointless it actually is to be a vegan or a vegetarian. I would say that the only passable reason to be a vegetarian is because you genuinely do not like the taste of meat, and even then.. there must be some type of meat that you like, that shit is delicious.. Anyway, if you are not eating meat because you think it is going to make some sort of difference, you are a fuckwit. You may think "I know it won't make a difference, but I really just don't want to be part of the problem maaan", and many people may think that to be admirable, I however think that you just straight up retarded. Don't want to be part of the problem... what problem?!! Humans eating inferior animals to survive? Holy shit, it's not like every carnivore on the planet does that. "But Saam" you say "humans don't have to eat meat, we can live off things that were never alive", well, here's the thing, have you ever looked at your teeth in a mirror, see those pointy ones and the sharp ones at the front of your mouth? Yeah, those are for eating meat. And while we may also have herbivore style 'molars' as well, I never said we are designed specifically to eat only meat.

Along these similar lines, I cannot stand it when people say that the animals that we farm (cattle, sheep, etc) are smart or our equals.. What that fuck gave you that idea? Just because we are both living organisms does not mean we are equal. If they were as smart as you people seem to think they are, or if they were truly our equals they would have society, they would have civilization, they would have infrastructure.. but instead they live in fields, shitting and eating all day, if that is what you class as intelligent, then why does everyone hate morbidly obese people? The fact of the matter is, if animals were as smart as us, it is highly likely that they we would be the ones being farmed, or at the very least we would have some sort of revolution on our hands, no intelligent living creature just sits back and takes that kind of abuse.

Anyway, as a final message to all those who pose the question 'what gives us the right to do this to animals'.. The fact that we can do it gives us the right, the fact that we have been gifted with such a brain that gives us the intelligence to farm animals so that we have a guaranteed food source. Most of you vegans are evolutionists, therefore you are firm believers in survival of the fittest, and we, as humans, are the fittest. If lions had the means to farm humans for food, do you really think they wouldn't do it?

*This is labeled as popular culture because it has become 'cool' to think that animals have the same amount of/more rights than humans.


  1. This depends mostly on how you define "smart". Our basic evolutionary goal is to reproduce, pass on the ol' genes and keep the species going. As far as many "inferior" animals are concerned, they are doing just that. Heck, for much, much longer than we have. And for your 'we have the ability, therefore we have the right' argument, that is really an edgey thing to say there. Interesting blog topics though, I will keep reading (despite the extremism ha ha), nice job S~Doyle.

  2. Haha yeah, 'we have the ability, therefore we have the right' works only in a few topics, this is one of them. Mass-murder, not so much.
    But yeah, I acknowledge that they have been doing it for far longer than us, I am just a pretty firm believer in the food chain. And as for extremism, it sells haha.

  3. Animals inferior? What a silly thing to say, a statement based not on fact but purely on emotion.

    "I would say that the only passable reason to be a vegetarian is because you genuinely do not like the taste of meat, and even then.. there must be some type of meat that you like, that shit is delicious.."
    Shit is Delicious? Taste is subjective what's delicious to some may be disgusting to others.
    The only passable reason? What about finding the idea of breeding an animal to be / and the act of slaughtering an animal totally abhorrent?

    "The fact that we can do it gives us the right" I hope to god that you are the only one who shares this view, I will not even begin to try and dream of rationalizing this brainless statement.

    "gifted with such a brain that gives us the intelligence to farm animals"
    Gifted? i thought you believed in evolution.

    Guaranteed food source? Do research.

    Survival of the fittest? We need to slaughter animals to survive because we are inteligent? I would have thought, being as intelligent as you claim, that we could learn to survive without putting thousands of animals through suffering.

    Teeth designed to eat meet and therefore its right? Again, I thought you believed in evolution?

    Educate yourself before educating others

  4. G'day Adam. Sorry about the late reply, your message got marked as spam, funny, because it pretty much is.

    How is animals being inferior to humans not fact? I am classing them as inferior because we can farm them, eat them, use them to serve our purpose.. we have more technology, we have infrastructure, we are the top of the food chain etc etc.. The fact that you can question whether or not we should eat meat makes you infinitely more superior to animals, who don't have that ability of thought.

    Firstly, "That shit is delicious" was blatently a joke, although, it is delicious. Secondly, I made it pretty clear that I don't see that as a reasonable excuse didn't I?

    "I hope to god that you are the only one who shares this view, I will not even begin to try and dream of rationalizing this brainless statement." you didn't really say anything here... just sorta stated that you disagree with it.. cool, bro.

    I didn't say I believed in evolution, not even once.

    Hmm okay, how about this. No animal that has been domesticated for farming purposes has ever gone extinct.. Animals that are farmed provide a food source = Guaranteed food source

    Being as smart as we are, we should be able to seperate our perception from that of animals. As in, they have no concept of suffering.

    Again, I didn't say that I believed in evolution. Although, even if I did, 'designed' isn't a word that only applies to creationism.

    My friend, believing in extreme animal rights does not make you educated, it just means you feel more guilty than others, probably due to too many Disney films.
