His first offence: he is a comedian, but he isn't funny. I cannot stand that, I know they say that humor is relative, but to find Bill Maher funny you have to agree with everything he says, and if you agree with everything he says, you are a sucker. Anyway, he shouldn't be as famous as he is as a comedian, I watched a show yesterday and didn't laugh once, even some women comedians get a laugh or two, come on*.
Alright, but onto the more serious matter. Bill Maher is one of the people who I hate most, not him specifically, but that sort of person.. that sort of manipulative, hypocritical, left-wing extremist that I said university is turning university students into in my last post. He tends to talk about one of two topics (sometimes both) when he opens his mouth: Republicans and religion... and he talks about them in the most fucked up, retarded, one-sided, hypocritical, close-minded, ignorant, un-funny, egotistical, pretentious, narcissistic way... that is to say, he talks about them whilst being a flaming bag of douche.
On Republicans, his talks are usually about how stupid and bad for the country (The U.S) they (Republicans) are.. so right there he is forgetting a few things. I understand that the left and the right do not get along, I don't understand why they don't or why they are so stupid about it, but I do understand that they feel the desire to mock each other. However, I feel that liberals, like Bill Maher, tend to forget everything they stand for when it comes to people on the right. They have always been heavy advocates for the freedoms of man-kind, but only when it comes to themselves, when it comes to Republicans they don't think that they should have the right to form their own slightly different opinions about what the country needs, nor for what they believe in spiritually, environmentally or any other sort of 'ly'.
Also, as his lecturers go on, it becomes apparent that he doesn't actually believe in the two party system, and he doesn't know how a democracy works. I think that he believes in the idea of a two party system, but he doesn't like it when his side doesn't win. So he takes this anger out by slandering the other side, and at the same time, becoming a massive hypocrit. He talks about how the Republicans are 'dumb' and makes them sound downright awful by telling half-truths and one-sided 'facts' about them and saying that they scare people into voting for them... Which I find interesting.. I wonder how one would classify his rants about them. He goes on and on about how they are going to be the end of the country, while leaving out any potential good that they do, almost as if he is scaring anyone who is listening into believing his point of view.. huh.. interesting.
As for not understanding democracy, it is simple, he doesn't understand that for one party to be in power, they have to get a majority of the votes. It is actually that simple. If a party is in power it means that the majority of the people in that country support them. He complains about how the whole country hates them and thinks they are as bad as he thinks they are, whilst forgetting that they did actually have the majoirty of support. Of course, he blames this on stupid, easily swayed people rather than accepting that some people just don't believe in what he believes.
As for his views on religion, if you have heard of Bill Maher, you probably know his opinions on the matter. Most of it can be summed up in my post about 'People who are extremely anti-religion'. One part I didn't touch upon in that post, however, is that the people like him seem to go on about (in a really high and mighty manner) how religion causes so much death and bad things.. and apparently that is a good reason to abolish it. Firstly, right there you are ignoring the first basic human right. Secondly, religion does not cause death and suffering, that is completely false. Humans cause death and suffering.
Religion is not the only thing that has ever caused death or war, that is just a cop out used by anti-religious people. The fact is, even if there wasn't religion, humans would find a reason to kill and invade, we are just a bad species. Think back to before Christianity was prominent, ancient Greek times for example. Those wars weren't about a difference in religion, they just made war because it was, and is, in our nature. You didn't have slaves in ancient Greece because the gods said it was fine, you just had them because you could and it made life easier. Blaming Christianity for bad things is pointless, it is like saying that the war in Iraq is a war for oil. We blame things because we have to have a reason for everything, we have to have something to blame everything on.. it is just in our nature.
* Yes, I am saying that women comedians aren't funny. Got a problem with that? Go watch a whole heap of women comedians and tell me I am wrong.
"I'm mad as hell, and I'm not going to take it anymore"
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Not so much a problem with the idea of furthering your studies, just with how it actually is.
The first thing that I noticed about the people who I know that have packed up and gone to university is that they have turned into... how do I put this.. ragin' liberals. I have no problem with people on the left (well, I find the whole political compass thing to be pointless and counter-productive, but that is not the point), but one gets tired of hearing about how fucked America is, and how Fox represents everything bad in the world... Hey, here's an idea, shut the hell up. You know what is worse than Fox news? Repeating everything your hippy lecturer says and adopting all of their values. I thought that university was for the open-minded individuals of our societies to go and learn about their desired field, not a place to go and become liberal elitists. "Fox news is just a mouthpiece for the Republican party/vice versa, I prefer more non-bias shows" oh yeah? Interesting that you care about that, considering you live in fucking New Zealand, and what exactly do you watch then? "Oh, I watch the Daily Show and The Colbert Report every night*"..... oh, those shows that almost exclusively mock those on the right... huh, I can see you have a very accurate idea of what the phrase 'non-bias' means.
Another thing that annoys me about university is the papers/courses available, seriously.. B.A's? Why even bother? They seem so incredibly pointless to me, mainly due to the invention and expansion of the internet. If you want to learn about media or theatre or communication that badly, why not just google it? How is it going to help you in a career hunt, at all, if you show a piece of paper that says you learned about movies for 3 years? **
In New Zealand, uni students tend to have a 4 month holiday over the end of one year and going into the next one, the purpose of this (I have been informed) is to let the students go out and get work experience in the field which they are studying. This is not done. They use it to drink, work at some crappy job, use the money to drink more. The reason for this is that a heck of a lot of students can't get work in their specific study-field, because jobs don't exist in that field. Which should really tell them to change their degree, maybe to something that actually has ample opportunities for work.. maybe. Otherwise just go for it, at least you can hang your degree in your office when you get a desk job, which doesn't utilise any of the skills/knowledge you spent all that time and money on, and never will.
Also, uni is full of hipsters.. filthy fucking hipsters.
*For the record, I actually really enjoy both of these shows, as well as highly respecting both of these men, but that is beside the point.
**An exception for the pointlessness of a B.A: if it is combined with something not pointless e.g. teaching.
The first thing that I noticed about the people who I know that have packed up and gone to university is that they have turned into... how do I put this.. ragin' liberals. I have no problem with people on the left (well, I find the whole political compass thing to be pointless and counter-productive, but that is not the point), but one gets tired of hearing about how fucked America is, and how Fox represents everything bad in the world... Hey, here's an idea, shut the hell up. You know what is worse than Fox news? Repeating everything your hippy lecturer says and adopting all of their values. I thought that university was for the open-minded individuals of our societies to go and learn about their desired field, not a place to go and become liberal elitists. "Fox news is just a mouthpiece for the Republican party/vice versa, I prefer more non-bias shows" oh yeah? Interesting that you care about that, considering you live in fucking New Zealand, and what exactly do you watch then? "Oh, I watch the Daily Show and The Colbert Report every night*"..... oh, those shows that almost exclusively mock those on the right... huh, I can see you have a very accurate idea of what the phrase 'non-bias' means.
Another thing that annoys me about university is the papers/courses available, seriously.. B.A's? Why even bother? They seem so incredibly pointless to me, mainly due to the invention and expansion of the internet. If you want to learn about media or theatre or communication that badly, why not just google it? How is it going to help you in a career hunt, at all, if you show a piece of paper that says you learned about movies for 3 years? **
In New Zealand, uni students tend to have a 4 month holiday over the end of one year and going into the next one, the purpose of this (I have been informed) is to let the students go out and get work experience in the field which they are studying. This is not done. They use it to drink, work at some crappy job, use the money to drink more. The reason for this is that a heck of a lot of students can't get work in their specific study-field, because jobs don't exist in that field. Which should really tell them to change their degree, maybe to something that actually has ample opportunities for work.. maybe. Otherwise just go for it, at least you can hang your degree in your office when you get a desk job, which doesn't utilise any of the skills/knowledge you spent all that time and money on, and never will.
Also, uni is full of hipsters.. filthy fucking hipsters.
*For the record, I actually really enjoy both of these shows, as well as highly respecting both of these men, but that is beside the point.
**An exception for the pointlessness of a B.A: if it is combined with something not pointless e.g. teaching.
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